
no equipment, Egoscue

EGOSCUE - Air Bench

How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Stand with your back against a wall with feet and knees hip width apart and feet pointed straight.

  2. Walk your feet away from the wall while sliding your body down at the same time.

    • You will be "seated" in an invisible chair, with your knees bent to 105 degrees.

    • Your hips are just slightly higher than your knees; your ankles are slightly ahead of your knees.

    • Your lower back should be completely flat against the wall.

    • Your arms can hang down to your sides, or rest your hands gently on your lap.

  3. Hold as directed on your menu.

    • Keep the weight in your heels, do not press forward on your toes.



Stretching, no equipment, Egoscue

EGOSCUE - Wall Quad Stretch

Kneel down facing away from the wall

  1. Place the top one foot up on the wall with the same knee on the ground as close to the wall as is comfortable

    • You may want to place a cushion or blanket on the floor under your knee for comfort

  2. Step forward into a lunge position with the other foot keeping the forward knee directly over the ankle and your foot pointed straight ahead 

    • You will feel a stretch on the front of the thigh that is on the wall

    • Moving the knee of the foot that is on the wall farther away from the wall will decrease the stretch and moving the knee closer to the wall will increase it

    • The stretch should be comfortable, not painful

  3. Place your hands on the front knee and push your upper body back toward the wall

    • Relax your shoulders and breathe

  4. Hold as directed on your menu, then switch sides and repeat

Stretching, no equipment, Egoscue

EGOSCUE - Static Wall

How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Lie on your back with your legs pointed straight up and against the wall, upper body relaxed with arms out to sides at about 45 degrees and palms facing up feet should be hip width apart.

    • When getting into this position, get your hips as close as possible to the wall, so once you are in position your butt is also as close as possible to the wall.

    • If your hips are lifting off the floor then scoot your butt back until you are able to place your hips flat. As you get more functional, your hips will sit closer to the wall and be flat on the floor at the same time.

  2. In this position tighten your thighs and pull ALL of your toes down and back evenly towards your face.

    • Your feet must be pointed straight(parallel) for your hips to properly do the needed work to stabilize your spine.

  3. Hold as directed on your menu.

    • This exercise promotes thoracic extension while limiting the rotation ability of the lower load joints.

Stretching, no equipment, Egoscue

EGOSCUE - Supine Foot Circles & Point/Flexes

How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Lie on your back with one leg extended and the other leg bent and pulled up toward your chest.

  2. Clasp your hands behind the bent knee.

  3. Keep the foot on the floor pointed straight up toward the ceiling and your thigh muscles relaxed.

  4. Circle the lifted foot one way for the indicated number or repetitions, then reverse direction for the same number of reps.

    • Make sure the knee stays absolutely still with movement coming from the ankle and not the knee.

  5. For the point/flexes, bring the toes back toward the shin to flex, then reverse the direction to point the foot forward for the indicated number of reps.

  6. Switch legs and repeat.

Stretching, Egoscue

EGOSCUE - Supine Calf & Hamstring Stretch

Lie on your back with your knees bent

  1. Position 1: Take a strap or belt and loop it under the ball of one foot

  2. Firmly holding the ends of the strap, straighten that leg and PULL YOUR TOES DOWN toward your hips to feel a stretch in the calf or back of your lower leg

    • The straight leg should be lined up with the bent knee.

    • Keep your thigh/quad tight and toes pulled back

    • Your upper body should be relaxed throughout the e-cise, shoulders back on the floor

  3. Position 2: Loop the strap under the heel of the straight leg

  4. Pull back on the strap so your leg points towards the ceiling, you will feel a stretch in the back of your thigh. Keep your thigh tight and TOES RELAXED.

    • Lie on your back with your knees bent

    • Position 1: Take a strap or belt and loop it under the ball of one foot

    • Firmly holding the ends of the strap, straighten that leg and PULL YOUR TOES DOWN toward your hips to feel a stretch in the calf or back of your lower leg

      • The straight leg should be lined up with the bent knee.

      • Keep your thigh/quad tight and toes pulled back

      • Your upper body should be relaxed throughout the e-cise, shoulders back on the floor

    • Position 2: Loop the strap under the heel of the straight leg

    • Pull back on the strap so your leg points towards the ceiling, you will feel a stretch in the back of your thigh. Keep your thigh tight and TOES RELAXED.

      • Do NOT let the hip lift up off the floor

    • Hold as directed on your menu (30 to 60 seconds)

    • Switch legs and repeat both positionsDo NOT let the hip lift up off the floor

  5. Hold as directed on your menu (30 to 60 seconds)

  6. Switch legs and repeat both positions

Stretching, no equipment, Egoscue

EGOSCUE - Hip Lift

  1. Lie on your back with your feet on the floor.

  2. Cross one ankle/foot over to the opposite knee, just above the knee.

  3. Lift the foot that is still on the floor up until your calf is parallel to the ground and the knee is bent at a 90 degree angle.

    • Relax your shoulders and put your arms out to the sides, palms up.

  4. As you pull the knee with your ankle on it toward you, press the other knee away from you.

  5. Hold this position as directed on your menu, then switch sides and repeat.

Stretching, Egoscue

EGOSCUE - Hip Crossover Stretch

  1. Lie on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor pointed straight ahead.

  2. Place your arms out to the side at shoulder level, with your palms flat on the floor.

  3. Cross your left ankle over your right knee and rotate the ankle/knee junction down toward the floor.

    • Your left foot should now be flat on the floor, along with the outside of your right leg.

  4. Look in the opposite direction and relax your shoulders. 

  5. Press the left knee away from your body using the left hip muscles.

  6. Hold as directed on your menu, then switch sides and repeat.