Fueling For Weight Loss

Macro Nutrient Shifting

★★★Macro Nutrients: Fueling for muscle recovery and repair (FFMR)

As part of your training/nutrition plan at Tristar, before your training session you need to determine what to eat. This ultimately starts the conversation of “where you are” and where you are going for todays training. Our coaches have put together the following decision support to fuel your training in realtime.

Macro Nutrient Shifting

★★★Macro Nutrients: Nutrition Optimization fueling for leaning out & weight loss prior to workouts (FFWL)

As part of your training/nutrition plan at Tristar, before your training session you need to determine what to eat. This ultimately starts the conversation of “where you are” and where you are going for todays training. Our coaches have put together the following decision support to fuel your training in realtime.