

★★★ Training on fatigue, how much is too much?

Tristar athlete, you are training hard.. really hard?! …And you have been more consistent than ever in your dedication and approach. Are you feeling you are poised for something great…. yet you are tired and questioning whether or not you will get there. Are you ready? How can you tell crippling fatigue from fatigue that can generate a higher level of training?

Athlete Resources, Running, Training Peaks, ★★★, CTL

Estimating key continuous training loads for stand alone running (CTL's)

Tristar Athletes, In this table we present the peak continuous training load score for each athlete. Recall that CTL score is a rolling average of your daily training stress score over the past 42 days. Your peak CTL is the highest CTL you achieve in a period of training. The numbers in this table help you select your training hours and load that’s best for you and your ability.

Athlete Resources, Recovery, Season Planning, ★★★

★★★ Planning for your "rest" and approaches to the off season

Tristar Athlete, depending on how long and hard your racing season was you will need some period of a break both physically and mentally. Recharging the battery makes it possible to achieve new peaks when the valleys are planned just right. Our coaches have laid out these ground rules towards helping you determine how best to approach this planned for key phase; we believe this is just as important as the peak build phases our athletes must complete before major races. Take as much time off as you need.. but remember fitness waits for no one and neither does your competition!

Athlete Resources, ★★★, Psychology

Dealing with training and racing self doubt

As an athlete self doubt is a normal feeling and is actually “business as usual” to us as coaches. We know pushing your limits, finding your “why” and being consistent is hard work. Its only natural that time to time you feel anxiety about your training and racing performances. Our coaches have put together this write up for you to remove the emotion and be logical about where you are, where you stand and how to find confidence.

Biking, Athlete Resources, testing, ★★★, Time Trialing

★★★ (ⓒⓟ) critical power, critical pace, critical heart rate (CHR♥), critical distance

Critical power and critical pace are the same as mean max for any given amount of time or distance. We use critical power and pace to benchmark and raise total levels of endurance in your training.

For this training session below learn how to find your peak curves for power, pace, heart rate or distance to execute your “CP” workouts.