Apple Cinnamon & Chia Overnight Oats

Up to 10hrs/week training, 10+hrs/week training

Apple Cinnamon & Chia Overnight Oats

This simple six-ingredient breakfast combines classic fall flavors of tart apple and sweet cinnamon. Chia seeds and yogurt round out the dish for a for a heartier texture. Lean Endurance take;

  • strong, stable energy

  • hydration help; Add water to chia seeds and they naturally absorb 10-12 times their bodyweight in liquid. When you then digest the seeds, this liquid is naturally released slowly, which helps maintain great hydration naturally.

  •  they’re the highest plant-based source of good fats

  • Absolutely packed with Omega 3 fatty acids, chia seeds are the business when it comes to a clean-burning, powerful fat source in your diet.

  •  naturally anti-inflammatory

  • high in antioxidants

  • pure protein power! Chia seeds are a total protein powerhouse, quite literally - they contain 18 of the 22 amino acids, including all nine essential amino acids.