Swing Days

Athlete Resources

★★★Training Swing Days Ω

✍ Training swing Ω day - Training swing days allow you to move your schedule around a missed session to another day. When you see this day in the calendar it means it is the best day to add or shift a missed session as follows;

-Should only be a Swim, Bike or Strength Session and not run. Runs are too risky to cause an injury when being moved.
-If you would like to adjust the schedule for a run, move it on the calendar and ask your coaches blessing please : )
-Swing days should not compromise the rest of the week and often times a swing day will also have another session so be mindful that you cannot truly "make up" a session.
-You may also add on an extra one hour to 90min of easy riding on your long ride provided it is done in Z2 or less and also no more than an RPE of 5! That equates to ~50-70TSS points. More than this and the schedule may need a modification.
-When all else fails... let it go. You can't make up a session and there lots of sessions ahead that are important. Move forward and upwards!